Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Frustration:

Allow me, briefly, to mention a frustration I have with the Christian sub-culture.

Disclaimer: I am in no way saying I am perfect and amazing and do the right thing all the time, neither from pure nor calculated motives. However, it frustrates me to listen to a Christian radio station that sends listeners to foreign countries purely for the sake of going to a concert. I keep hearing this contest go on, and I think, "Really? A trip to Ireland? What about the starving kids all over the world? What about humanitarian efforts?" I can understand sending people free CDs; it's both marketing and a source of encouragement and the Message of Christ. I can kind of understand sending people to concerts, though that's iffy, depending on the amount of money going into the whole thing. But the stations are provided those kinds of giveaways. But who is funding transporting people to foreign countries to go to concerts? I want to be a part of a sub-culture that focuses its energies and monies toward curing diseases or curing people of preventable diseases or providing drinking water and food to those who need it.

As I said before, I am far from perfect, but is it just me or does sending people on overseas vacations sound a little too much like American pop culture than being the hands and feet of Christ?

Feel free to argue.

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