Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Changer of Lives

It is late, and I am going to school tomorrow, but I could not let tonight escape without some news. Tonight I learned that one of my youth group kids became a Christian!!! Praise God! That is a huge encouragement that what I am doing is somehow really changing people's lives. That's what I want to be, a Life-Changer, but sometimes I question it. There are so many job types out there, and each one has it's place. Just today I was wondering what kind of jobs are truly meant for me and I for them, and I'm still not sure. But it IS good to know that what I am doing right now, in this silly, humdrum, interim period of life-after-college-but-before-"REAL"-life can meaningfully impact those around me and help people find the love of a Saviour who provides the "peace that passeth understanding." He is the Changer of Lives who gives me the ability to help change others' lives. To God alone be the glory!

Other brief update: I have applied for a job at a bookshop in hopes of working there part-time and subbing, as well. I would like some kind of regular income, as my loan is soon coming due. Thank God that I have plenty of food, clothes, and options for shelter; I need only repay my loan until such a time as I have enough to finish it off. (After that, my family willlll charge me rent, unfortunately but understandably.) August has been a whirlwind, but a new season is beginning with the start-up of schools all over the valley. Also, I read a very meaningful, to me, short story by Roald Dahl today called "Lucky Break," and last week my mom & I went to visit my brother in California. That's not much, but it's all I have time for today. Tomorrow I'm observing a first grade teacher throughout her first day of school--should be fun, and educational!


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