Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hey there, World :). What's up? This week seems like it has had at least an extra week squashed into it. My mom left last Friday so that she could fly out Saturday morning (early) to California to visit her grandma. Since then, I have mowed the lawn twice, made dinner three times (Dad helped on most of them, and they were rather simplistic), watered A LOT of plants, done some laundry, turned a composter almost daily (Dad did it once), done way too much homework (Thank God it's done! Yay!), and played a few games with my dad. It was a nice weekend-through Tuesday experience, but I'm so glad my mom's home! I still missed her. But I enjoyed being able to play the piano without using the damper pedal and being able to leave all my school work sprawled across the living and dining rooms without worrying about anyone caring AND not making my bed or cleaning my room (I just kept making more piles) for several days. That's how I roll under stress, so it was a good weekend for her to be gone.

And NOW, all the school stuff's turned in--HURRAY! I'm still a little paranoid. What if I did something wrong, somehow? What if they don't like the stuff on the CD I turned in? What if somehow I still fail? It's all prob'ly pretty silly, but I can't help it. But for now, I won't think about it. Come what may; soli Deo gloria.

This week feels extra long for another reason, besides my mom being gone. There have been all kinds of new experiences I've been jumping into! On Monday afternoon, I got to go supervise a 4th grade class, which was good practice. All week I've been making observations, and I have seen kindergartners (quite incidentally) in both music and P.E. I'm purposefully making it to all the classes in general, and I've seen the three K classes in their own rooms, but P.E. and music were added bonuses. They have helped me realize that I really am happiest working with kindies, and I am subliminally rejoicing at the kindergarten opening my school has next year. Well, theoretical opening--it depends on registration, which is really low at this point. Would they take me, even if they have the opening? Who knows, but I KNOW I want to apply for it if it opens in June, and that's a good thing to know. My love of kindergartners puts something a little more solid in the mass of "what-ifs" about my life. Thank you, Jesus!:)

Back to the supervising-rather-than-observing train of thought: I got to supervise 3rd graders starting their day yesterday and 2nd graders ending their day today and those same 4th graders eating lunch today. Really cool! It has given me more confidence, whereas before I was feeling like, "Oh, boy! I'm fine with 2nd, but how can I possibly sub anywhere else." Another praise:) Life is good, God is good. Plenty still up in the air, don't get me wrong, but unexpected blessings have been so wonderful to experience this week.

Also important: I began reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief on Monday (my post-stressful weekend veg-out session:), and it is fantastic! At the beginning I was kind of like, "Unhhhh--" because I was expecting Percy to be older than 12 and the style of writing to be a little different, but once I got started, I made it to pg. 93 before I stopped, and then I kept going. (Sorry, Dad, for the late dinner.......)

That's all for now; best wishes for a Thursday of Wonders:)

1 comment:

Em said...

Hooray for unexpected blessings! And another hooray for Percy Jackson! I love those books (if you ever need to borrow one, I may or may not own them all) :)