Saturday, April 24, 2010

Funny how these things happen most often when I should be either doing homework or sleeping...

Well, the report back:

God is good; peace is, for the most part, restored. Looking forward to going to my church tomorrow, not someone else's. (Two weeks ago I was in Pullman and didn't go to church, since my Pullman church happens at night. Last weekend I was at a retreat and went to a service, but it's not the same.) I love my church. I hope God uses me there in amazing ways, allows me to pour love into it. There are lot of things that need to change there, I think, and after much debate, I decided that staying there to help it change would be far superior to running away--church-hopping. I love my church, even if I've been gone for the past 3 1/2 years. I want to help it grow, reach out, and be healthy.

Read the last chapter of No Impact Man this morning. It gave me a great idea. One of the many internal issues I've been ruminating on is the fact that I a) don't want a 40 hr./week job once I have children and b) want to volunteer at my church have left me wondering, "How on earth will I ever get to know people in my community who don't go to church?" Well, No Impact Man provided me a solution in another area I am passionate about: environmentalism. I can volunteer with some sort of eco-conscious/environmentalistic organization(s)! Isn't that exciting? I suppose nothing ever turns out as planned anyway, but it's nice to at least have a solution in mind there.

OK, to bed!
Gute Nacht:)

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