Monday, June 22, 2009

Cerezas: Update


So, this position has no set hours, which is different from what I originally thought.

Also, I now, since yesterday, have a chair. THANK GOD FOR CHAIRS!!! The soreness has been minimal since then:) Hurray! And I don't imagine I'd appreciate that if I hadn't gone three days chairless.

Looks like this'll be a 7 days a week gig, so overtime is almost certain. So far this week I've got 16 hours, and that's with 5 days to go! Yee-haw:)!

I feel like I do nothing but eat, sleep, and work, but that's OK, I know. I get annoyed at times thinking of all the things I'd like to be doing but can't because I'm working 8 hours/day, then I had the realization that this is what most people do... Well, this is my first job like this, so cut me some slack:) It's a good experiences, one way or the other.

Besides, I am a productive member of society. And I like cherries. And I spend eight hours a day thinking, singing, and thinking and thinking and thinking, plus a little praying, plus a little chatting with my coworkers. It's nice:) Very like vacuuming in some ways: noisy and a lot of solitude. Only with a lot of other people. Does that make sense?

OK, going to bed. Goodbye:)

Oh, sad thing: Megan goes to work before I get up and to bed before I get home:`( So unfortunate.

Other wonderful thing: I will be housesitting for my aunt starting Friday. That = mas dinero--praise Jesus:)!

Nathaniel: I had a dream about you last night. You should ask me about it:)

Okay, bye:)

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