Tuesday, July 14, 2009

26 Days

Hi. I worked 26 days straight. The last 13 of those were 10- or 10.5-hour days except the 13th day, which was an 8-hr day. This is not a highly recommended way of doing things, but here I am, still alive. Day off today was spent reading a book, helping make food and clean house for family coming over tonight, cutting flowers to put into vases, playing with a happy little kitten, contemplating the changes to be made to me abode now that Julianna has moved out, eating dinner with extended family present, washing dishes, eating dessert [Yakiman cobbler--sooo good! Yakimans are a cross between apricots and peaches, in case you didn't know--most people don't:)], talking with said family members, drying dishes Megan was watching while sharing the ipod:), and listening to selected pieces of the Moulin Rouge soundtrack:). It's been quite a day, and I am definitely tired. I hope cherries are over realllly soon, for good, cuz I feel exhausted from this job. But I still need money, too. Bleh:P.

Anyway, that's the update--thought you deserved something of one.
Farewell, all:)

*AHEM:* This is an amendment: My mother told me that Yakimans are a cross between peaches and apricots, as stated above; however, my father told me they are actually a cross between apricots and nectarines. I give him more credence, as he is the one who grew up at the house with the Yakiman tree. I also learned from him that they are so-named because someone from Yakima first crossed them, and the reason my grandparents have this old tree is because they live in what used to be a farmhouse over an orchard. Who'd o' thunk it? They live in the middle of town!:D Histoy is cool.
~7:17 on Thursday the 16th of June, 2009

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