Monday, April 27, 2009

A Word to Remember

OK, here's a word of the day I want to remember. All the rest entirely from

mer·e·tri·cious [ mèrrə tríshəss ]


1. superficially attractive: attractive in a superficial or vulgar manner but without real value ( formal )
meretricious extras that don't really add to the car's value

2. misleadingly plausible: seemingly plausible or significant, but actually insincere or false ( formal )
Don't be swayed by this meretricious argument in the project's favor.

3. of prostitutes: relating to or like a prostitute ( archaic )

[Early 17th century. < Latin meretricius< meretric- "prostitute" < mereri "serve for hire"]

mer·e·tri·cious·ly adverb
mer·e·tri·cious·ness noun

1 comment:

throughWaters said...

Now why would you need to know a word like this? Is Colleen calling you names again?