Friday, April 10, 2009


I totally meant to be all awesome and stuff today. I was going to get home from class and do my homework and get a head start on next week and go to bed at a decent hour. Well, that didn't happen. I forgot that after class I get home, make lunch, have a one-on-one with Jamie, needed to pack stuff for Meg to take home this weekend, had a Good Friday service I really wanted to go to--and it didn't even play out all in order like I would expect it to, and other things happened here and there. Chris O'Dell parked here so he could go to Angie's concert at Bryan, so he invited me and Jamie during our one-on-one, and we went. It was fun, but I was already sleepy, so I definitely fell asleep during parts. Saw the organ played for the first time ever--SO COOL! I don't really understand how it works, though. The organ's in the middle of the stage, and the pipes or on the stage-left wall. No comprendo. Also balanced my checkbook, called my family, looked at jobs, went through quite a few emails, and made a delicious dinner:) For anyone who cares, dinner was as follows:
Layer 1: a toasted piece of five-seed bread spread with a thin layer of cream cheese.
Layer 2: raw red peppers; some long slices, some halved slices
Layer 3: an omelet composed of 1 egg, an ounce or two of left-over Italian sausage, 2 green onions, and a handful of diced yellow onion.
It was delicious, though I think next time I'll leave out the sausage. Actually, I certainly shall, because it's gone now, and I still have all the other ingredients:) It's just that the sausage overpowered the rest a tad. I also have an avocado--might spread that on top of the cream many options--this reminds me of Ratatouille when Remi's trying to describe to Emile all the deliciousness of differing combinations.

And now I'm done. Going to get ready for bed. This isn't even what I wanted to blog about--I was wrote down notes on resiliency theory in Social Foundations this morning so that I could post them and hopefully remain mindful of them in the future. Good stuff--but I'll hopefully do that tomorrow. Tomorrow's my Sabbath, so good option. No school work will be done on my Sabbath:) Yay God!

Love to all:)

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