Saturday, October 16, 2010


Saturday, October 16, 2010
11:39 PM

Sticky notes turn up in the oddest of places. This week I found three.

1) In the front cover of my Bible.
2) Under the white flip-flops that used to be Megan's.
3) Under the rug.

I learned some very interesting things through these sticky notes, such as,

1) Evil Sticky-noters have very good imaginations for where to place things,
2) Jennifer Jaff turned into a giraffe,
and 3) Jennifer Mutton turned into a button.

Had the urge to sticky-note someone's room, workplace, or car lately? You probably should. Someone will learn important things as a result.

1 comment:

Guinevere said...

I'm posting this exactly one month (minus about 14 hours) after I wrote it, but thanks to technology, I can label it with the date I originally wrote it. How wonderful! I'd hate to have a month with zero blogs; it would be depressing.