Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hi. :)

Note: Haha--I wrote this at about 2 PM, and I didn't realize I hadn't posted it until I was looking back at my blog after posting the one posted at 2:30 PM. Hahahaha. I laugh at myself:)

Hi. Things are feeling really good. Megan, Colleen, Meg's friend Erin, and I went to Todd Aud last night to watch UP. It was amazing, but I'm not going to give away the plot in any way, shape, or form, except to say that it's coming from a perspective that's not usually taken in mainstream films. You should watch it--really. I'm going to make alllll my family watch it, either at Thanksgiving or Christmas Break, whether they want to or not. It'll be worth it, and chances are they'll love it:)

I'm not feeling particularly eloquent or word-friendly right now. I'm in this tired-but-happy land of slow-moving thoughts and brain cells. The week was above-average in that I got stuff done earlier than usual (some stuff), and I am looking forward to the half-sabbatical of next week, in which I HOPE to get a lot of things done ahead of time: book analysis due 12/8, Performance-based Pedagogy Assessment Rationale due 11/18, and I don't remember what else. But I haven't had time to get ahead since I got here, because everything takes time that isn't available ahead of time. So now that I've got the ahead-of-time time, I'm going to take advantage of it--see? Get it? Got it? Good!:)

For lunch, about 1/2 an hour ago, I made a lovely meal of 1 egg scrambled with a green onion and 3/4 a slice of pepper-jack cheese, plus applesauce and a Co-Jack cheese-gooseberry melt on the side. Food is so delightful!

That's all for now.

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