Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Cleaning:

FYI, I just removed my 6 blogs created for Ed Tech class, T&L 445. I didn't want to bother reading them to see whether they meant anything or were just a bunch of BS written for a class I didn't really like. (The latter is more likely.) I did copy & paste them to Google Docs, cuz they were, after all, scholastic writings. I'll keep them till I graduate. I'm very pack-ratty. But at least this, in this case, I'm being a digital pack rat--no physical storage/toting from house to house to apartment necessary:) Pretty fantastic.

OK, I'm going to stop procrastinating and do some real work. I've had intermittent breaks allll day, and I'm going to regret them when the week arrives. Moreso when nest week arrives. :P.


Pretty much, that's it. Y-u-c-k YUCK. Kind of whiny, I know, but I'm so sick of school. Why, God? I just want life to be hugs & puppies & Tillamook ice cream. (Maybe add a few other things in there, like children's books, cheese & cottage cheese, & LOTS of wonderful friends:) But it's not. And "it's not" because we have free will and all that jazz--because God gave us choice and we misused it, leaving ourselves gone very awry and with all sorts of consequences. Sometimes I'd be very willing to give up my free will, and lately I've wanted to quite a lot. Troubles with school & boys (*ahem*--that's "boy," singular...) & being irresponsible. I just want to hand over the free will till I'm done with the semester, be forced to do the right thing like a little puppet on a string. The trouble is, God doesn't want puppets. And I don't suppose I'd ever be truly happy as a puppet. I'd just be a bubblehead in Scott Westerfields Uglies series, or a robot with no more personality than Mr. Universe's lovebot (Serenity). I guess having a personality at all requires the free will option--and, hey, I like my personality:)

In a nutshell, I've been slightly bipolar, riding the emotional roller coaster which I know, to a degree, I have had a hand creating. I love being responsible in some ways; I hate it in others; I want to be done with school; I want to be married and living a happy life with the absolute best husband & lots of little children running about; I want, I want, I want. God, O God--I didn't think I was still this self-centered. I thought I was getting better, living for you, living for others. I've tried the "me" road; I was miserable, and I don't want to go there again. Change me, God, please, please, PLEASE. Reinforce the good and take away the bad. You are the only one worth entirely living for. Give me peace and patience and wisdom and love and humility and accurate self-assessment. Please.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

OK--I couldn't resist: Words & Sayings

Climb the day.
Drop your dreams.
Possess the day.

an Ayorthaian song from Fairest

Foolishness may have golden offspring.
a Gnomish saying from Fairest

nonpareil: (first definition) somebody or something unparalleled: somebody or something without an equal

1. billiards shot: a shot in billiards in which the cue ball hits one object ball and rebounds to hit another ball

2. pool shot: a shot in pool in which the object ball is rebounded off another ball and into a pocket

3. rebound following collision: a collision that is followed by one of the objects rebounding off at an angle (This was the way it was used when I stumbled over it, I believe.)

Friday, March 20, 2009


I've just been reading Orangette, a blog I'm looking forward to following semi-regularly in the future. (AKA, in the summer when I'm not spending all my time on homework, etc.) I was greatly inspired to see that its author, Molly, has been writing since July of 2004 and makes time for it still. I would like to do that, even if no one reads what I write. I love writing, and it'd be nice to look at this blog and see something besides the posts I did for Ed Tech class last semester. "Bleck" is all I have to say about them, by the way. Blogging--I'm a fan.

I prob'ly won't be back before the second week in May (yay for summer!), if by some miracle you happen to be a person who's stumbled upon this before then. If, by another miracle, you plan to return, do so after May:)

Forewarning: I write very much like I talk, in some ways, and not in others. I like big words and tend to go off on run-on-type tangents. Well, I don't just like big words. I like any words. You know, I should begin recording my vocab journal on here. I keep writing down words, and today I realized I might as well put their definitions down in a blue book so I can actually remember and refer to them in the future. This would be an excellent location. As my teachers keep telling me, the internet is a good place to store things if I want to come back for them when I'm teaching (one day at least a year and a half from now--SCARY THOUGHT!!!) without lugging yards of paper from house to house to apartment to house to who-knows-where.

OK, I think I'm sufficiently done. Good night to all and to all a good night:)

Oh--just kidding. One more thing of import: I'm reading Fairest by Gail Carson Levine who wrote Ella Enchanted. Excellent book. Call me dim-witted but I read a good portion of the latter before realizing it was a Cinderella story, and I got at least 2/3 into the former before realizing it was a Snow White story. Both excellent--I think Gail Carson Levine is a genius and magician, all in one. This week I also listened to Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Girl on the Milk Carton by (I think) Carolyn B. Cooney, and (still in the middle of) Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. I don't recommend the Milk Carton one, though--cliffhanger ending. I hate cliffhanger endings, unless you can be absolutely certain they turned out well.

Anyway, now I'm just rambling off anything I can think of. I guess that's how hungry to write I am. Sorry if you're bored--go read someone else.

Good night:)