Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Yes, I have been, and will likely continue to be, MIA since the beginning of the school year. You'd think I could still manage one post per month, but the very idea of making that a priority stresses me out. I do, however, quite frequently contemplate blogging...:D. Sometimes daily. And I wanted to share with you the reason for that.

In, oh, May or so, I went to a yard sale on a Friday evening, and for some ridiculously low price like $1 or $.50 (I think it was the latter), I purchased an old edition of My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. It was a beautiful, old red hardback, and I've always heard good things about M. U. for H. H., so I decided I'd take it. It turned out to be the buy of the year, because I've been reading that book almost every day of the year since June or July. Though I don't agree with absolutely everything Chambers says, his words are often profound, and where I disagree, he at least has done the job of getting me thinking about Scripture.. That is highly valuable, truly.

Many days I wish I had the time to simply sit and type out the entire content of Chambers' words for that day. I bookmark the day and plan to write or blog about it, but then I don't, and then there are too many bookmarks cluttering up my book. So here and now I am telling you: Find a copy of My Utmost for His Highest. Buy it. Read it daily, or as close to daily as you can manage. (At first I would try to "catch up" if I fell behind, but I gave that up, and that has made it easier to keep up with the proper day, somehow. FYI.) They are short, one-page devotionals written by a man whom I believe was closely in tune with God and God's Word. They provide a consistency that is different from other devotionals--consistent length, consistent depth, other consistencies that I'm too tired to explain properly. You don't have to keep at it for a whole year or even read it on certain days, but I strongly encourage you to check it out in some way.

~Blessings & Happy 2012!