Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June's almost over, and July's just one month!

I am currently listening to "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. :D

Well, the title, said in a hurried and exclamatory manner, describes how I'm feeling right now! May had no blog because May was ridiculously busy; June is almost over; July is just one month; in August I'm going on a trip, & then school starts--YIKES!

But I am LOVING summer. It is beautiful:). I love eating outside, throwing open windows, listening to night-sounds, waking up at 5 AM to light! (Of course, I go right back to sleep.)

Allow me to backtrack, though. If you are reading this blog, you most likely already know, but I'm not 100% positive whom I remembered to email. Drumroll please.......I have a job! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) I'm stoked! Next year I will be teaching pre-school to 3 & 4 year olds, and though I'm a bit nervous about it, I am confident in God's direction. Honestly, that's what's keeping me excited, because otherwise I would be too overwhelmed by how many new things I am learning and discovering and trying to remember, so thank You, God:).

I got to know my job a little bit by observing, subbing, and then doing year-end inventory (which involved a great deal of getting to know my classroom and supplies:)! Throughout the summer I hope to get at least a month of school tentatively planned (I'm sure there will be plenty to learn and change as I jump on in). Additionally, I am helping my church with VBS, babysitting two of my favorite little monkeys four Fridays in a row, babysitting 3 others of my favorite little monkeys 24/7 for either 7 or 8 or 9 days--something like that, still loving on kids at youth group and in a girls small group, and hoping to make enough money to pay the bills all summer long! One of the big deals of the summer (I don't think it quite tops a full week of babysitting 3 little monkeys, but it's a close second for biggest deal:D) is that I will be going on a missions trip for 16 days in August! Not saying where, but ask for details and I'll mail them to you:). It prob'ly doesn't matter, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say.

Anyway, the summer's filling up, and I am trying to maintain a balance. Hopefully it will be achieved! Trying also to surrender my life more to God, but I am finding out that I am even more stubborn than I had realized. Thanks be to God for His indescribable grace, truly.

Don't know when the next update will come; I'm feeling like this was rather dry, but informative. Something of interest? ... I finally finished reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love; it rocks; you should read it!:D Also read Impossible by Nancy Werlin. I loved it, overall, but I was warned that it was weird. It has 2 or 3 things I really disliked, but there were a lot more that I really liked, so it's a toss-up on whether I can recommend. But I can't really explain the dislikes without completely giving away a lot of the story. If you like well-written fairy tales, it is one, and a modern one, besides. Well-written modern fairy tales are rare, in my book. So take a chance. But if you don't like fairy tales or fantasy, just skip it.

Read/reading tons more; maybe I'll review some things next time:D. Adios, y vaya con Dios.

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