Tuesday, June 21, 2011

P.S. Ghetto Apples to Apples, etc.

Last Thursday I learned to play Ghetto Apples to Apples, in which each person makes up ten or so pieces of paper (we used 1/4 pieces of notecards--sturdier, if you want to save them). Each paper has a quote or lyric or noun or something on it--whatever the person wants to put. Then all the little pieces of paper get thrown in a pile and mixed up, then randomly drawn so that you now have the papers of several different people rather than just yourself. Next, the players take turns making up different scenarios, like, "You were shoplifting in Mr. Boothman's bookstore, and Mr. Boothman caught you. What do you say to him?" The ensuing hilarity is both remarkable and priceless, and you will definitely want to teach this game to all your friends!

This also reminds me that I learned a new game on Wednesday (the day right before G. A. to A.), as well! It was named "Sock-o" by the guy who made it up, but I prefer to call it "Ultimate Sock." Basically, it's Ultimate Frisbee, except that you have a sockful of flour instead of a frisbee and your goals are hula hoops with one player from the opposing team standing inside. You play like U.F., but when you get to the goal, you must hit the person inside the hula hoop with the sock:D! As the sock is passed, thrown, and used to whack people, the flour gradually diminishes, and people end up with flour dust all over. SO MUCH FUN! It's less intimidating than U.F., and works best if you make sure all the players get to play, not just a few athletic individuals. Another game you should teach all your friends:D!

June's almost over, and July's just one month!

I am currently listening to "Beautiful Things" by Gungor. :D

Well, the title, said in a hurried and exclamatory manner, describes how I'm feeling right now! May had no blog because May was ridiculously busy; June is almost over; July is just one month; in August I'm going on a trip, & then school starts--YIKES!

But I am LOVING summer. It is beautiful:). I love eating outside, throwing open windows, listening to night-sounds, waking up at 5 AM to light! (Of course, I go right back to sleep.)

Allow me to backtrack, though. If you are reading this blog, you most likely already know, but I'm not 100% positive whom I remembered to email. Drumroll please.......I have a job! (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) I'm stoked! Next year I will be teaching pre-school to 3 & 4 year olds, and though I'm a bit nervous about it, I am confident in God's direction. Honestly, that's what's keeping me excited, because otherwise I would be too overwhelmed by how many new things I am learning and discovering and trying to remember, so thank You, God:).

I got to know my job a little bit by observing, subbing, and then doing year-end inventory (which involved a great deal of getting to know my classroom and supplies:)! Throughout the summer I hope to get at least a month of school tentatively planned (I'm sure there will be plenty to learn and change as I jump on in). Additionally, I am helping my church with VBS, babysitting two of my favorite little monkeys four Fridays in a row, babysitting 3 others of my favorite little monkeys 24/7 for either 7 or 8 or 9 days--something like that, still loving on kids at youth group and in a girls small group, and hoping to make enough money to pay the bills all summer long! One of the big deals of the summer (I don't think it quite tops a full week of babysitting 3 little monkeys, but it's a close second for biggest deal:D) is that I will be going on a missions trip for 16 days in August! Not saying where, but ask for details and I'll mail them to you:). It prob'ly doesn't matter, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say.

Anyway, the summer's filling up, and I am trying to maintain a balance. Hopefully it will be achieved! Trying also to surrender my life more to God, but I am finding out that I am even more stubborn than I had realized. Thanks be to God for His indescribable grace, truly.

Don't know when the next update will come; I'm feeling like this was rather dry, but informative. Something of interest? ... I finally finished reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love; it rocks; you should read it!:D Also read Impossible by Nancy Werlin. I loved it, overall, but I was warned that it was weird. It has 2 or 3 things I really disliked, but there were a lot more that I really liked, so it's a toss-up on whether I can recommend. But I can't really explain the dislikes without completely giving away a lot of the story. If you like well-written fairy tales, it is one, and a modern one, besides. Well-written modern fairy tales are rare, in my book. So take a chance. But if you don't like fairy tales or fantasy, just skip it.

Read/reading tons more; maybe I'll review some things next time:D. Adios, y vaya con Dios.