Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Grrrr...I don't know what's making my title's and stuff randomly translate themselves. It was amusing for about 3-10 seconds, till I realized I have no idea how to rectify that.

Anyway, the above says ~Summer~. [Oooh--I think I just fixed it, so it's not in a different language!:)]

Summer. Here it is. I'm glad:). I like summer. The weird thing is, this is my last end-of-school-as-a-student summer, as far as I know. I mean, maybe I'll go back to school, but I really don't know; I can't see anywhere near that far. I kind of hope not, but then there's so many things I still want to learn, so who knows. People keep talking about being almost done, and I am SO GLAD I'm already done. Done, done, done!

Today I found out that I get to be youth intern at my church. I'm super-stoked:)!!! It's so exciting! I'm sure there's plenty coming up that'll challenge me to the core, but it's a worthwhile cause, and one I think I'll enjoy, a lot. So here goes! It's different. I mean, day camp I was trained for. Teaching young kids, I've been trained for. But this? Older kids? We'll see. But God's in charge, and God's in control--so no worries.

Dear God--help me do this for you. Help me figure out how to do this for you. Not for me, not to be somehow altruistically involved in the community. I want to Shine. For you. It's hard for me. I'm so naturally shy. Break the ice; help me out; help me make a good difference in all kinds of lives. Today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter. Soli Deo gloria.

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