Monday, February 28, 2011

Have You Seen This Chicken?

Given the time, I could probably come up with a dozen or more puns on this subject.

There's the childhood songs route:

"Oh where, oh where has my little chicken gone; oh where, oh where could it beeeee?"
"______ stole the chicken from the refrigerator! Who me? Yes, you! Couldn't be! Then who stole the chicken from the refrigerator?"

Orrrrr, the Shakespearean route:

"Chicken! Chicken! My kingdom for some chicken!"
"Chicken, chicken, wherefore art thou chicken!" (A misuse of the word "wherefore," but one commonly used, and rather "punny," nonetheless.)

I'm quite sure I could come up with 3 times as much, but I'll stop there, because quite frankly, at the moment, I have better things to be getting on with. Suffice it to say there were two pieces of chicken last night when my parents and their company finished dinner, but where the chicken has gone between now and then is a mystery. Possibly the fridge (though we've thoroughly searched it); possibly the freezer (but we searched it, too!); possibly the garbage (unfortunately already and much-too-efficiently removed and thrown into the dumpster) or a random cupboard (for which I am not brave enough to face for an exhaustive search, yet). All family members have been questioned, and allegedly none of them ate the chicken. We didn't even know it was gone until we tried to start warming up the leftovers at 7 PM, in a state of moderate hunger since we'd waited for my mother to get home from work.

If it turns up, the mystery will be solved, but I'm not holding my breath.