Thursday, December 9, 2010

I love writing for a prompt. Why? Well, I love writing, but I don't always have a clear idea what I want to write. For example, today I was rather bored as I was subbing. Staring at students for hours on end is not extremely intellectually stimulating. So what materials did I have? Paper. With paper, I tried to write, but it turned out to be a very dull account of what I was doing. Enter, my saviour: the prompt!

I write well when I write for a purpose. When I encountered the following prompt, I was excited, because it made me think about The Chronicles of Narnia, something in which I already am have a profound interest. I didn't win anything, but I thought my purposeful writing worth sharing. Maybe it will stimulate your heart and mind, as well. :)

In 200 words or less, tell us your favorite character from The Chronicles of Narnia series and share why you would like to attend the London premiere of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

I had never taken time to consciously consider a favorite character from the Narnia series. C.S. Lewis filled the series with a plethora of fantastic characters; each has a depth of its own, as well as different struggles and triumphs. I have identified with different characters at different times, yet I can easily say that my favorite is Shasta from The Horse and His Boy. It is his story to which I return the most, drawn by the wonder of a child both physically and spiritually lost and then so miraculously found by a Loving Father. Neither the themes of redemption and love nor the thrill of suspense and victory in this tale have ever disappointed me. They provide not simply a story but also a glimpse of my Heavenly Father. That is why I would be delighted to travel to London for the premiere of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Lewis’ Narnia has always helped me relate to the Triune God by painting glorious pictures of how even young children could know Him personally. I would be interested in seeing how those involved in the making of the Narnia films view the indisputably spiritual work of C.S. Lewis.

Postscript: Note that I used exactly 200 words. Being me, I started with more and whittled it down. Lol,:D.