Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh, P.S.

This is for Colleen & Brian:
So, the janitor I'm working with is Mr. Lincoln. He's a nice, grandfatherly sort (one of his grandsons is Megan's age), and loves to tease. Well, yesterday, I kept yawning, being quite tired by the end of the night (the shift is 3:00-11:30 PM), and finally I yawned so long that he just couldn't help but laugh at me. He kept apologizing, too, which is more than I can say for some people...

For now: JOB!!!

Hi. This will be short, I promise. One of the RCS janitors, Mr. Fred Green, hurt his back this week (sad), so I am filling in for him until at least Tuesday (HAPPY:). Annoying part: Mr. Green hurt his back picking up a backpack to put into the lost and found. Therefore, this is my rant against irresponsible high schoolers who do not clean up after themselves. If you compare the elementary and jh/hs lost and founds at RCS, you--like me--would be appalled by the difference. A much larger number of little elementary-ers have lost nowhere near as much stuff, and they manage to keep it in an orderly state. GRRRRRRRRR high schoolers/junior highers!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Short? Update Time

As usual, I'll attempt to be brief. One look will tell you if managed to succeed.

Summer. That's now! Unlike expected, I am in Yakima--YAY!!! Why? My class got canceled due to low enrollment. Or were you asking "Why 'yay'?" Well, it's the first time all six of us have been home for a solid month (little more) since Nathaniel graduated from high school in 2002. We sit around after dinner talking and laughing, we do random things, we're laid-back cuz we know it's not gonna be over in a week, we talk & discuss & tease & poke & prod & laugh & laugh & laugh--I love my family:)

?Que tal?:
Well, I've only been home a week, so not entirely sure of everything yet. The only schedule so far is try to go to bed at a decent hour (I've failed 4/6 of my time here), wake up, eat breakfast, exercise, look for jobs, run errands, water flowers, wash dishes, help with dinner, do random things here and there. It is pretty close to my ideal life, minus the money I need to have saved for next semester and the routines I'd set up if I were here for forever. I love cooking and cleaning and helping and reading. Oh, yeah--add reading to that list. So far I've read or begun reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo, and at least 5 others I can't think of right now--prob'ly more. Cool:)

I'm still trying to sort out routines. Should I volunteer here and there? Or should I just reserve time for family--home family and other family? I want to buy a tape recorder and record my grandparents telling stories and talking about life. They're turning 87 this year, and they're not in either great or terrible shape. I've been wanting to do this for a while, and Tuesdays with Morrie is reinforcing that strongly, cuz Mitch Albom did the same with Morrie. He wanted something left behind, something to hold onto. I want to do so in order to write a transcript of what is said, and maybe to publish it as a book. I read a book called Leon's Story that had been done just so, and I want to do it--starting with my grandparents and then moving on to other elderly people. Like The Wisdom Project book/movie/project, too. Cuz old people have a lot to give, and if we don't reach out to accept it now, we never will be able to. I'm scared of losing the last generations that remember the Depression, the World Wars, times when people were born believing there was a God, cuz I look at the new generations and see a lot that is forgotten, a lot that is taken for granted.

Anything else? I don't think so. That's enough for now. Got awfully serious all of a sudden. This weekend I'm going back to Pullman for a wedding--hooray!--and then I'll be back here, looking for a job and wandering through life, trusting that God's gonna provide for my last year (hypothetically--I still don't know about post-grad stuff, but God'll tell me when I need to know) at WSU. Life is exciting!

Loves to all!